Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Greenest Pasta You've Ever Seen

Okay, bear with me now, because this is CRAY.  MY sister called me a few weeks back raving about some ridiculous soup she made and how I HAD to get it up on my blog.  Well I simply wasn't having it--not only do I NOT like soup, but I was not about to take cooking advice from my sister.  But something she said really struck me and, I decided that I would give her a chance.  And I have to hand it to her--not only was it kind of delicious, but it also cost us close to 8 dollars total to make.  You can't beat yummy value.  So alas, in light of sibling appreciation day (or every day), I will credit this to my wonderful sister Kristie LaSalle.  Without her I would have never though to toss broccoli in the blender and for that... we thank you!

Also, let me formally apologize for the photo-- I went through a period of forgetting my camera and taking shitty pictures of my food with a terrible phone camera. 

what you need...
1 head of broccoli
2 - 6 oz goat cheese
1 lb pasta
2 - 3 cloves garlic
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste

what you need to do...
1. In a large pot, boil lightly salted water.  When water is boiling add broccoli so that the entire head is covered.  While broccoli is cooking, in a medium pot, boil lightly salted water for the pasta, and cook as directed on the box.
2.  When broccoli is tender, remove from water (keeping the water--do not dump out the water!), chop in to smaller chunks, and add to blender/ food processor.  Add between 1/4 and 1/2 cup of the left over water from boiling the broccoli, 2 - 3 cloves garlic (depending on the size), 2 oz goat cheese, salt, pepper, and a dash of olive oil and blend until a smooth sauce forms.
3.  Transfer sauce to a small sauce pan and over very low heat, stir in UP to 4 more oz of goat cheese, depending on how much you like goat cheese.  When sauce is smooth, remove from heat immediately.
4.  When pasta is finished cooking, strain, return to pot, and add broccoli sauce.  Enjoy!

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