Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Massive Mushrooms on Jewish Bread

Okay FINALLY!  I know you have all been holding your breaths in absolutely suspense for my next blog post... AND HERE IT IS! I've finally prevailed through hell week--no more tech week rehearsals, no more 50 page papers, no more multiple tests and papers due all at exactly the same time.  In the clear senior year right now.  So I'm back to posting!  Sorry for the delay BUT... I was busy.  Hopefully you haven't forgotten who I am in the mean time and are still following this blog.  I don't blame you if you aren't though.

So naturally, although I've been busy, I have obviously still been cooking.  C'mon, a girl's gotta eat.  But what I cooked last night was SO delicious that I absolutely could not justify putting this post off until I caught up with my other posts.  So here you are: Grilled Portobello Sandwich on Challah Bread with Roasted Red Pepper, Spinach, Pesto and Provolone.  Now see... that was a mouthful.  I'm sticking to Big Mushrooms on Jew Bread.

This is delicious.  Absolutely delicious.  I'm not sure really what made me choose Challah Bread, but after learning that it was similar to Brioche, I couldn't pass on it.  Turned out to be a solid choice!

what you need...
1 large portobello mushroom cap
2 tbs pesto
1/2 red pepper (roasted)
1 slice provolone
1 Challah Roll
1 clove garlic (diced)

what you need to do...
1. Roast red pepper with oil in oven under high broiler, monitoring carefully to char but not burn.  In a large pan, combine oil, garlic, spinach and portobello mushroom cap and cook over medium heat.
2. Toast Challah rolls under the broiler until lightly toasted.  Remove from oven.  Spread 2 tbs pesto on top and bottom of roll.  When spinach is cooked (it will cook quicker than the mushrooms), remove from pan, strain, and add to the bottom of roll.
3. Turn heat of pan to medium high, and cook portobello mushrooms until the seem soft through and have a bit of a sear on them.  Remove from heat, strain, and place on top of spinach.  Add provolone, and place under broiler for about 35 seconds, or until the cheese melts entirely.  Add slice of roasted red pepper, slice, and enjoy! :)

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