As I'm sure we all know, we recently celebrated a non-national holiday filled with hearts, love, and flower deliveries. For some of us, we were showered with presents, fluffy teddy bears, overly indulgent bouquets, and of course, candy. For others of us, we were reminded of our loneliness, decided we thought roses were stupid anyways, and had a new found underlying desire to burn every fluffy, scented, pink teddy bear we could find. As you've figured out by now, of course I'm talking about Necco Wafer Day-- the holiday of true commercialism, designated to boost Necco's dying revenue. Let's face it, until Valentine's day, Necco was struggling. They had created a more than terrible business plan in which they decided to create the worlds most sub par, undesirable candy, the Necco Wafer which is so bad, in fact, that small children will always choose apples instead. But suddenly, along came the "holiday of love" when Necco produced the sub-par but immediate smash hit, the conversation heart. TXT ME, HUG ME, and KISS ME were printed on tiny, nearly flavorless hearts and suddenly, we had a holiday. Necco had found some annual financial stability.
Here's my beef with Valentine's Day-- shouldn't you appreciate the people you love
every day rather than needing an excuse to. An doesn't it mean more when you get random flowers on Thursday, May 17, than when you and every wifey-d, in-the-process-of being-courted, and "I-wish-you-hadn't-left-me" girl does too? Just a thought.
But Valentine's Day is, above all, an excuse for us to spend a little more money and cook cray meals. This year I decided on Risotto and Mussels. I don't eat Mussels. Never have, never will, no desire to try mussels. But Dan loves them. So I surprised him, brought home 1/2 a pound of the slimy, nasty, brainless creatures, and made him a "delicious" appetizer. So happy Necco Wafer's Day, if you like mussels, I hope you like these! Oh and wait until you see what I messed up be tried to prepare for dessert (cut me a break, I'm not a baker).
what you need...
makes enough for one person as an appetizer
1/2 lb mussels
1 cup white wine
2 cloves garlic (diced)
1/2 small yellow onion (or shallots, diced)
1 tsp tarragon
1 tbs butter
1 tbs olive oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
what you need to do...
1. In a medium pot, heat oil with garlic and onion and cook until onion and garlic is soft and fragrant. Add wine and bring to a boil. When wine is boiling, add mussels, cover, and cook until mussels have opened (about 6 - 8 minutes). Discard any that don't open.
2. Remove mussels with a slotted spoon and transfer into a bowl. Bring the cooking liquid to a simmer (over low heat) and whisk in butter. Season with salt, pepper and tarragon. When blended thoroughly, pour over mussels and serve immediately.
I served these up with some Ciabatta bread, brushed with seasoned oil and toasted under the broiler. I even tried the cooking liquid with the bread and it was FANTASTIC!