Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dan's Special Sauce

This is Dan.

He's witty, nerdy, sometimes charming, occasionally handsome and he just so happens to be the adorable fellow that is dating me.  Yep, this is who I cook for every night, and because of that, he puts up with me everyday.  How could you resist?

Well consider this a quick little shout out to my darling boyfriend and his delicious sauce.  Yeah, that sounded raunchy but, I'm serious.  This boy can cook.  I want to sit here and pretend that I taught him everything that he knows, but that is largely untrue.  When I met Dan freshman year, I was burning boxed mac and cheese on the reg.  Dan is the reason I got interested in cooking, and without his inspiration, I might never have picked up the wooden spoon.  Okay, sappiness aside because I'm getting grossed out, Dan's like a little old Italian grandma.  He prepares amazing Italian dishes, chops garlic like a pro, and makes a sauce that will keep you coming back for more......

Where is all this nonsense going?  Well, today I came home from a strenuous day of laundry and shopping with the girls, to this:

Chicken Parmesan with homemade Tomato Sauce!  It was absolutely delicious and too gorgeous to not snap a photo of, even if we had to take it on my old broken camera (which he of course broke).  Thanks Dan, you're a best--maybe he'll have to be a guest star up here from time to time!


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